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Build files should import these rules from @rules_mojo//mojo:defs.bzl.


mojo_binary(name, deps, srcs, compile_flags, compile_string_flags, defines, includes, runtime_data)

Creates an executable.


name = "hello",
srcs = ["hello.mojo"],


nameName, required.

A unique name for this target.
depsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

The dependencies for this target.

Use ll_library targets here. Other targets won’t work.
srcsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Compilable source files for this target.

Allowed file extensions: [".mojo", ".🔥"].

Place headers in the hdrs attribute.
compile_flagsList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Flags for the compiler.

Pass a list of strings here. For instance ["-O3", "-std=c++20"].

Split flag pairs -Xclang -somearg into separate flags ["-Xclang", "-somearg"].

Unavailable to downstream targets.
compile_string_flagsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Flags for the compiler in the form of string_flags.

Splits the values of each string_flag along colons like so:

.bzl”, “string_flag”)

name = “myflags”,
build_setting_default = “a:b:c

# …
# Equivalent to compile_flags = ["a", "b", "c"]
compile_string_flags = [":myflags

Useful for externally configurable build attributes, such as generated flags from Nix environments.
definesList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Defines for this target.

Pass a list of strings here. For instance ["MYDEFINE_1", "MYDEFINE_2"].

Unavailable to downstream targets.
includesList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Include paths, relative to the target workspace.

Uses -iquote.

Useful if you need custom include prefix stripping for dynamic paths, for instance the ones generated by bzlmod. Instead of compile_flags = ["-iquoteexternal/mydep.someversion/include"], use includes = ["include"] to add the path to the workspace automatically.

Expands paths starting with $(GENERATED) to the workspace location in the GENDIR path.

Unavailable to downstream targets.
runtime_dataList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Extra files made available during test time.


mojo_library(name, deps, srcs, compile_flags, compile_string_flags, defines, includes)

Creates a Mojo package.


name = "mypackage",
srcs = [


nameName, required.

A unique name for this target.
depsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

The dependencies for this target.

Use ll_library targets here. Other targets won’t work.
srcsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Compilable source files for this target.

Allowed file extensions: [".mojo", ".🔥"].

Place headers in the hdrs attribute.
compile_flagsList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Flags for the compiler.

Pass a list of strings here. For instance ["-O3", "-std=c++20"].

Split flag pairs -Xclang -somearg into separate flags ["-Xclang", "-somearg"].

Unavailable to downstream targets.
compile_string_flagsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Flags for the compiler in the form of string_flags.

Splits the values of each string_flag along colons like so:

.bzl”, “string_flag”)

name = “myflags”,
build_setting_default = “a:b:c

# …
# Equivalent to compile_flags = ["a", "b", "c"]
compile_string_flags = [":myflags

Useful for externally configurable build attributes, such as generated flags from Nix environments.
definesList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Defines for this target.

Pass a list of strings here. For instance ["MYDEFINE_1", "MYDEFINE_2"].

Unavailable to downstream targets.
includesList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Include paths, relative to the target workspace.

Uses -iquote.

Useful if you need custom include prefix stripping for dynamic paths, for instance the ones generated by bzlmod. Instead of compile_flags = ["-iquoteexternal/mydep.someversion/include"], use includes = ["include"] to add the path to the workspace automatically.

Expands paths starting with $(GENERATED) to the workspace location in the GENDIR path.

Unavailable to downstream targets.


mojo_test(name, deps, srcs, compile_flags, compile_string_flags, defines, includes, runtime_data)

Testable wrapper around mojo_binary.

Consider using this rule over Skylib’s native_test targets to propagate shared libraries to the test invocations.


name = "hello_test",
srcs = ["my_test.mojo"],


nameName, required.

A unique name for this target.
depsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

The dependencies for this target.

Use ll_library targets here. Other targets won’t work.
srcsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Compilable source files for this target.

Allowed file extensions: [".mojo", ".🔥"].

Place headers in the hdrs attribute.
compile_flagsList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Flags for the compiler.

Pass a list of strings here. For instance ["-O3", "-std=c++20"].

Split flag pairs -Xclang -somearg into separate flags ["-Xclang", "-somearg"].

Unavailable to downstream targets.
compile_string_flagsList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Flags for the compiler in the form of string_flags.

Splits the values of each string_flag along colons like so:

.bzl”, “string_flag”)

name = “myflags”,
build_setting_default = “a:b:c

# …
# Equivalent to compile_flags = ["a", "b", "c"]
compile_string_flags = [":myflags

Useful for externally configurable build attributes, such as generated flags from Nix environments.
definesList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Defines for this target.

Pass a list of strings here. For instance ["MYDEFINE_1", "MYDEFINE_2"].

Unavailable to downstream targets.
includesList of strings, optional, defaults to [].

Include paths, relative to the target workspace.

Uses -iquote.

Useful if you need custom include prefix stripping for dynamic paths, for instance the ones generated by bzlmod. Instead of compile_flags = ["-iquoteexternal/mydep.someversion/include"], use includes = ["include"] to add the path to the workspace automatically.

Expands paths starting with $(GENERATED) to the workspace location in the GENDIR path.

Unavailable to downstream targets.
runtime_dataList of labels, optional, defaults to [].

Extra files made available during test time.


expand_includes(ctx, include_string)

Prefix include_string with the path to the workspace root.

If include_string starts with $(GENERATED), prefixes with theGENDIR path as well.





Find the directory to turn into a package.

Each directory with an __init__.mojo file corresponds to a package.

This function constructs a package from the first __init__.mojo file it finds, starting from the top level directory. If you have files like this:


you’ll get an output package mypackage.mojopkg.


ctxThe rule context.


The package directory.


mojo_artifact(ctx, filename)

Return a string of the form "{}/filename".

Encapsulate intermediary build artifacts to avoid name clashes for files of the same name built by targets in the same build invocation.


ctxThe build context.
filenamedefaults to None.

An optional string representing a filename. If omitted, creates a path of the form "{}".



Gather the inputs for downstream actions.


ctxThe rule context.


A tuple (defines, includes). See //mojo:actions .bzl for usage.