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rules_mojo 🔥

A bleeding edge build system for Mojo.


A Nix-wrapped Mojo

Mojo wrapped in Nix. No implicit apt installations, no need to use Ubuntu. You can use rules_mojo on any x86_64-linux system that has Nix installed.

Reproducible, Hermetic builds

Bazel rules for Mojo. This means that rules_mojo gives you incremental builds. In rules_mojos own CI this reduces build times and CPU cycles spent by up to 95%.

Built for scale

Integration with NativeLink and Local Remote Execution (LRE) which lets you execute builds in arbitrarily scalable Kubernetes clusters. Whether you want to build on 1000 cores or run executables on edge networks across the world, the NativeLink+LRE infrastructure supports it.

Blazingly fast toolchains

A bundled Clang/LLVM C++ toolchain with the mold linker and uutils, the Rust rewrite of coreutils. This toolchain links Mojo executables up to two orders of magnitude faster than a standard C++ toolchain.